Title: Vegan Natural Hair Care Series Part 3: Bomba Curls CEO and Founder LuLu Cordero
Business guru, LuLu Cordero spent a decade working and saving up to launch her all-natural, nontoxic, premium Dominican hair-care line. In this final episode of our 3 part vegan natural hair care series, she shares inspiration and tips about hair maintenance, how to use her vegan products, the growing business of natural hair care, and more.
Can’t Miss Moments:
* Lulu speaks on Hygral Fatigue, hair care tips and how she keeps her hair healthy
(25:19 – 25:35)
“It’s very prone to hygral fatigue, and that’s where the cuticle expands when the hair gets wet, and then it shrinks back, and that constant expansion and shrinking expansion, [and] contraction, that can lead to breakage…”
*Bomba Curls have all natural products
(18:19 – 19:56)
“We will not sacrifice quality, and we will not sacrifice how effective something is just for the sake of, you know, saving two cents, no ma’am.”
- Lulu speaks on the importance of having natural hair products for women
(16:34 – 16:59)
“It’s so so frustrating to me when, you know, you read all these studies, and you see all these things, all these issues that are very prevalent in our communities, like from breast cancer, early onset of puberty, and all kinds of thyroid issues, and all these things that are tied to a lot of the products that we use.
(27:40 – 28:07)
“There are a lot of options out there now too that are becoming available like the charcoals, but depending on what kind of sulfate you use, you know, you would need to bust up that build up. And you know you can do that once a month, or however often, depending on what your scalp is telling you. Please, please, please, monitor the health of your scalp.”
Social Media Handles:
IG: @bombacurls , @lulu.ceo.bomba
Facebook: Bomba Curls
Twitter: @Bomba_Curls
Link to Hair Products: (Forbidden Growth Bundle)