Let’s be honest, switching to a plant based diet is not easy. Mainly because you are not only retraining your brain on what to eat, but also how to get the nutrients you need. Hopefully the benefits to your health, the animals and the environment will keep you motivated and focused. And the good news is you don’t have to do this on your own.
There are many resources to help you get started. Digital guides are an easy way to jump on. But there are many. To narrow it down, look for guides that is close to the way you eat now and is easy for you to follow. Also look for a one that educates you and focuses on healthy eating. Here are a few we recommend that are all free.
The African American Vegan Starter Guide
*Why to go vegan and what to eat
*How to make it affordable
*African American vegan history
*Tips on Eating Out
*Defines various types of vegan diets
*Breaks down health benefits
*How to avoid common complications
The early days of a plant based diet does not have to be difficult and these guides will give you want you need for a successful start.