Welcome to VeganSexyCool.com. I launched this site to share what I’ve learned and continue to discover along my journey to living a more healthy and fulfilling life through veganism. The word ‘vegan’ is constantly in the news these days, yet I have so many conversations with folks who really don’t understand what a vegan lifestyle is all about AND how being vegan can be beneficial.
My hope is that you’ll visit here every day to for exciting new content that will assist you whether you are only curious, just getting started or well into vegan life. In addition to my experiences, you will find experts interviews, up to date information and reviews of restaurants, products, cook books and more. There will also be beauty, fashion, wellness and a whole lot of cruelty free fun.
Most importantly, vegansexycool.com is about you. Please ask questions, leave comments and share your experiences, so that I can make sure that I am providing what you want and need. My primary goal is to be of service, so THANK YOU for being here and joining me on this new adventure.
Wishing you wellness.
This is fabulous Jacque! Congratulations!! 🎊🍾
I’m looking forward to info on vegan/ vegetarian restaurants, recipes, snacks and great cookbooks!!
Love you Lystra!! Thank you xoxo. I am working on more recipes and snacks and cookbook recommendations, so be sure to check back.
Jacque. I love you. Big fan on Reid this Reid Thaaaaaaaa!
Not a vegan but have vegan friends and will check in and live more vegetable forward, vegan friendly!!
Hello Cy!! Lol, we have so much fun on ReidThisReidThaaaaaaa (leave off the extra t for savings!)
Despite not being a vegan, I am happy you just stopped by and hope you will come back because there will just be a lot of cool content.
and yes!!! Please do share with fam and friends.
Thank you!!!
Hello Jacque ! Love the website. How long have you been a vegan ? What made you switch?
Hello Ken… and welcome! Thanks for taking time to comment. I have been a vegan for 2 years. I did it because I just didn’t want to be a part of harming animals. Now I discovered so many health and environmental benefits that I know I made the right decision. Let me know if you have any other questions and follow my social. I am soon going to be posting videos about journey and some interviews with nutritional experts.
Today is my first day checking out the site, but I have already shared it with my cousins that are vegan and vegan adjacent (LOL). I’m not ready for a totally plant based life but I’m finding more and more things that I like, and I’m planning to go vegetarian for a month to slowly ease my way in. This site will surely me helpful. Congrats!
Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Glad to hear you are easing into the vegan life. I’ll be here with tips and support. Congrats to you!
Hey Jacque,
I just found out this morning that you had this site! I listen to you most mornings on the Tom Joyner morning show! I started my vegan journey December 2018 and I am loving it!! I can’t wait to get by to NY to visit BAD Gyal Vegan and enjoy some voxtails:-) I look forward to learning and sharing.
Cindy… The Bad Gyal restaurant is delivering voxtails to our studio on Friday and I. Can’t. Wait. I am two years into the vegan lifestyle and I love it to. Please share any story ideas you want me to cover and please come back often.
Hi Jacque, I’m listening to your podcast, I love it!!! I’ve been a long time listener. Please let us know when you come home to Atlanta!!! I’d love to offer my yoga services if you ever have an event or a retreat!!!
I will actually be in Atlanta for CAU Homecoming. I am putting together some events and will definitely keep you in mind. Thank you for reaching out and thanks for visiting the site.
Hi Jacque,
I just went vegan in October 2019 and I feel so great. I just started listening to your Podcast with Joy Ann Reid and you ladies are the 💣 Thank you for creating this website because I am still figuring things out for myself . I am enjoying this lifestyle change and I am looking forward to learning more from you and your sphere of influence.
Hey Rose, Thanks for visiting the site! I hope you will come back often and follow me on @vegansexycool social AND check out The Vegan Sexy Cool Podcast… I have a lot of ways to share info on being Vegan, lol. Hoping we can help you figure some things out.